Slurty THCA Flowers

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Stinky indica that makes you forget words.

Slurty3 Cannabis Strain Info

Genetics: Indica Dominant cross of Slurricane and Gelato 33. The legal name is Slurty 3, but who has time for extra syllables. If I were Gen Z, I’d probably call it. ‘Sl’, but they’d probably say I’m ‘sus.’

Appearance: Round, pretty mid-sized buds with all shades of green and hints of purple. Nice gold trichomes.

Smell: Slurty3 has a nice bouquet of sweet floral smells combined with pungent kush. I tend to notice the kush first, then the sweet 2nd, but it changes each time I open the bag.

Taste: It tastes skunky and earthy to me. You can get a hint of the sweetness of the gelato, but the sweet is subtle.

Daniel’s 1-hit Review: I think the name is funny. My phone keeps autocorrecting it to ‘slutty’. I don’t use ‘slutty’ that often, but it is a real word. Calling it ‘slutty’ may be a more appropriate name because ‘Slurty’ gets you loose. It’s similar to the Gorilla Butter in the way that it doesn’t have anything visual that jumps out at you. It looks like good bud. Everything about it looks good, but nothing is ‘crazy’ (keep in mind that I’ve seen 1000s of strains, so there isn’t too much ‘crazy’ to me.) The smell, however, it very good and distinct. I haven’t found a lot of strains that smell both sweet and pungent like this one.

I like to be honest whenever I can. There are a few times when it’s best to remain silent and not say anything, but other than when someone is trying to ruin your life for the non-violent possession of a federally legal hemp flower, I tell the truth. So, sometimes I do these ‘1 hit reviews’ real time while I’m smoking. Other times, I take notes and write the review the next day when I’m clear headed again. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. It depends on how tired I am or how busy I am. For instance, I’m 100% sober right now because I have too many balls in the air to smoke and drop one. This review is from my notes. After rereading them, I’m so tempted to redo this review because the notes are funny.

My notes say, “Tastes good and smooth, but still made me cough so hard my eyes watered. This is a nice mild indica. I’m feel very relaxed and in my own little world. For some reason my ears are ringing, but maybe it’s the altitude. This is too hard because word retrieval is failing. Jesus. This creeps up on you in waves and slowly erases stuff like that storm surge on the TV.”

There are a few things that make this funny. 1. I don’t really remember writing it. 2. I’m in Alpharetta. I’ve lived at this altitude all my life and it’s not high, so Idk why I attributed the ringing ears to altitude. That’s just strange. 3. I said ‘on the TV’. I’m talking like an old man. Although my notes are not detailed, they do a good job or taking me back to the review, so I remember this one. I could not recall words. It wasn’t like I was talking about the immune system and I couldn’t remember cytokines or leukocyte. I couldn’t remember words like plate, sofa, or chair. I got so frustrated trying to talk to my gf, that I just stopped and watched TV. Any of yall that know me, know that I’m almost NEVER at a loss for words. Slurty had me talking like a 2 year old. “Me hungry.” “More sit”

Slurty3 starts slow and just gets stronger and stronger. I wouldn’t do this one if you have anything complicated or important to do. Personally, this is 100% after work, in the evening, strain.

This is a solid indica.

This is one of the MOST EXCITING developments in the Legal Hemp Industry!

These beautiful buds qualify as industrial hemp and comply with ALL provisions of the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill. There are 2 legal requirements that a product must meet to be legal hemp:

1 . The cannabis plant must be grown under a Federal Hemp License.

2. The finished product must have less than .3% Delta-9 THC

These flowers comply with both. Look at the attached COA and you’ll see the Delta 9 THC is less than .3%.

Here’s the cool part. The Delta 9 THCa can be over 30%. This is not chemically altered or sprayed with anything. These are legit cannabis buds that are harvested before the D9 THC gets ‘hot’ (over .3%). Delta 9 THC and Delta 9 THCa are very similar compounds. In fact, THCa is a precursor to THC. However, they are 100% different, so the Farm Bill counts this as hemp.

Better Than Nine may not ship THCA flowers to jurisdictions where they are illegal. Please know your local ordinances before ordering or we may not be able to ship to you. Contact us if you have questions.


If you are sensitive to THC please do not purchase this product, use with caution! Please respect this product and only consume this in the comfort of your own home, do not drive or operate heavy machinery. Consult a doctor prior to consuming this product.

Please check your state and local laws before purchasing high THCa hemp flower.


Buy and consume at your own risk.

Although this is legal hemp please act responsibly and treat this like a marijuana product, as it looks and smells just like marijuana. Better Than Nine is not responsible for anyone confiscating this hemp, nor arresting or fining you for having this legal hemp product in your possession because of a misunderstanding of what it actually is. KEEP YOUR PAPERWORK WITH THIS PRODUCT AT ALL TIMES. BE POLITE AND RESPECTFUL TO AUTHORITY FIGURES IF YOU MUST EXPLAIN THIS IS FEDERALLY LEGAL.

Read our blog post about Legal Hemp Flowers for more info about legality and interacting with law enforcement by clicking here.

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