Lemon Cherry Gelato THCA Flowers – Light Deps


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Lights Deps that are almost indoor good!

Lemon Cherry Gelato Cannabis Strain Info – Light Deps

Genetics: Sativa ish Hybrid of girl scout cookies, sunset sherbet or Runtz or Gelato. LCG could be a lot of different strains.

Appearance: Dense medium-sized buds that are all shades of green with orange hairs. Nice structure.

Smell: They smell sweet like candy and very good for light deps.

Taste: They taste sweet and sour, pungent and fruity. Smooth and Mild.

Daniel’s 1-hit Review: I love Croptober. Croptober is when all the outdoor plants start getting harvested. I have always associated it with California’s harvest, but it can really be anywhere. I think Octoberfest is ultimately a harvest celebration, but I’d have to double check my history. Since we get a lot of request for budget friendly flowers, I figured getting some high quality light deps was a good idea. I call the BUDget friendly. It’s a very complicated pun, so email us if you can’t figure it out 😉

I think the most impressive thing about this light deps LCG is how it smells. It isn’t as loud as indoor, but it smells really clean and sweet. There isn’t any of that chlorophyll smell that you get with deps and outdoors. It looks good, smokes good, and has nice clean effects. The buds are solid, but they feel just a bit dry, but they aren’t. Idk how to describe it. That’s the only criticism that I have, but I’m not sure it’s even fair to criticize this because of the price. I think we’re selling it for a ‘pre-coupon’ price of $120/oz, so you can an oz. for $100-$110 during a sale.

For the price, this LCG is fantastic. I have to remind myself to review these flowers and factor in the cost. I’ve been smoking nothing but Cap Junky and Scented Marker for the last 3 weeks and they are just so good that everything else seems ‘blah’. And that’s not a fair way to do stuff. It be like driving and reviewing a Ferrari F80 compared to a Honda Accord. They are both good cars, but they aren’t competing for the same buyer.

What a lot of clients do is buy some of this good LCG and then buy some of our boutique strains, so your weighted average cost is in the middle, but you get the best of both worlds. You start smoking with the headies and then smoke the budget flowers to maintain or roll joints or something.

I can definitely be a flower snob and I still like and smoke these light deps. The are awesome for the price.

This is one of the MOST EXCITING developments in the Legal Hemp Industry!

These beautiful buds qualify as industrial hemp and comply with ALL provisions of the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill. There are 2 legal requirements that a product must meet to be legal hemp:

1 . The cannabis plant must be grown under a Federal Hemp License.

2. The finished product must have less than .3% Delta-9 THC

These flowers comply with both. Look at the attached COA and you’ll see the Delta 9 THC is less than .3%.

Here’s the cool part. The Delta 9 THCa can be over 30%. This is not chemically altered or sprayed with anything. These are legit cannabis buds that are harvested before the D9 THC gets ‘hot’ (over .3%). Delta 9 THC and Delta 9 THCa are very similar compounds. In fact, THCa is a precursor to THC. However, they are 100% different, so the Farm Bill counts this as hemp.

Better Than Nine may not ship THCA flowers to jurisdictions where they are illegal. Please know your local ordinances before ordering or we may not be able to ship to you. Contact us if you have questions.


If you are sensitive to THC please do not purchase this product, use with caution! Please respect this product and only consume this in the comfort of your own home, do not drive or operate heavy machinery. Consult a doctor prior to consuming this product.

Please check your state and local laws before purchasing high THCa hemp flower.


Buy and consume at your own risk.

Although this is legal hemp please act responsibly and treat this like a marijuana product, as it looks and smells just like marijuana. Better Than Nine is not responsible for anyone confiscating this hemp, nor arresting or fining you for having this legal hemp product in your possession because of a misunderstanding of what it actually is. KEEP YOUR PAPERWORK WITH THIS PRODUCT AT ALL TIMES. BE POLITE AND RESPECTFUL TO AUTHORITY FIGURES IF YOU MUST EXPLAIN THIS IS FEDERALLY LEGAL.

Read our blog post about Legal Hemp Flowers for more info about legality and interacting with law enforcement by clicking here.

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