I had the idea to use some Delta 9 THCa isolate to make ‘magic’ Christmas brownies. As I was getting the ingredients together and deciding the best way to do it, I realized that this could be a fun idea for a ‘How-To’ article. I tried to make this as simple as possible. The brownies taste just like normal brownies because this recipe uses only THCa isolate and no plant material.
Step 1: Get your brownie or cookie recipe. I was being lazy so I bought Duncan Hines Chewy Fudge Brownie mix. You can use any recipe that uses oil. (You can also do this with butter, but it requires more steps and more waiting, so I kept it easy.) Here’s what I used:

Step 2: Put the amount of oil the recipe requires (2/3 cup for this one) in a glass measuring cup and heat up your oil enough to dissolve the Delta 9 THCa Isolate. I put the oil in the microwave for 1 minute. You don’t want it screaming hot, just a little too hot to touch. The reason we heat the oil is so that the isolate dissolves into the oil and ensures that it distributes evenly throughout the mix. This is VERY important because uneven distribution means that some pieces may be scary strong, while others are duds.

Step 3: Add your THCa isolate to the hot oil and stir it until it dissolves. I used 1 gram of THCa isolate. This is 997g THCa and renders about 880mg THC after it cooks. Look how the THCa completely dissolves into the oil (3rd pic above).
Step 4: LET THE OIL COOL TO ROOM TEMPERATURE! Putting hot oil into the mix can scramble the eggs and this will mess up how the brownies bake. The oil can be very warm, but not hot. I was impatient and put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes to cool it off. If you use the fridge, make sure your glass is borosilicate (pyrex) or something that won’t break from temperature shock.
Step 5: Follow the recipe using the infused oil and make the brownies.
The only part of this article that is different from making the brownies is infusing the oil. Once you’ve infused the oil, you can use it for any baking recipe – cookies, breads, muffins, etc. I used canola oil, but vegetable, oil, avocado, grapeseed, coconut all work the same way. Note – This oil is only psychoactive if you cook with it because it’s THCa until you heat it properly. If you want to make ‘activated’ oils, put your THCa Isolate into the oil, but the oil in something glass, and put the oil and THCa in the oven at 240F for 30-45 minutes. The oil that comes out will be ready to go. When using the oil to bake, this process happens while you’re baking the brownies at 325 F.
Dosage chart:
1g of D9 THCa Isolate = 997mg THCa. After heating, you lose about 11.5% of mass from the conversion to THC. Now you have about 880mg of D9 THC.
This means that the batch of what you made has a total of 880mg THC. The above recipe made about 850g of brownie. This means every gram of brownie has about 1mg THC. 10mg D9 THC is a good ‘starter’ dose. 10g of brownie is about a 1.5 inch x 1.5 inch piece which is pretty small (using a 9×13 pan). If you want to eat a big brownie and not have a super dose, use less THCa isolate.
If you want to do this at home, you can buy 1 gram of Delta 9 THCa Isolate here:
Delta 9 THCa Isolate – 1 gram
Pure Delta 9 THCa!