Gumbo Zkittles Strain Info – Boutique
Genetics: Heavy Indica with unknown parents. My guess is zkittles, gelato, or grape ape cross because of the color, smell, and taste.
Appearance: Very colorful. Dense buds that are about 50:50 green and purple with bright orange hairs. Nice amber trichomes all over.
Smell: Fruity, skunky, piney.
Taste: Tangy fruity with a strong pine finish.
Daniel’s 1-hit Review: I was very excited to get this Gumbo because we haven’t had a boutique indica is seemingly forever. Everything about Gumbo shouts indica. From the deep purples and hashy piney taste to looking for a couch and movie immediately after hitting it.
Last week, we had a package stopped as ‘unauthorized hemp’ and ‘returned to sender’. This was 100% bullshit because I spent over 8 hours on the phone with the shipping company getting authorization to ship hemp flower. They didn’t return it to sender. They returned to the local police of the city it shipped from. AND they charged my account $300 for sending a ‘prohibited item.’ What a bunch of f ing thieves and scumbags (the shipping company). The police woman I talked to was very nice and helpful. We’ll probably get into this in a video review.
After not getting much sleep on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights, I was in rare form on Saturday. I was in one of the worst moods I can remember being in. I wouldn’t speak to anyone because I wanted to scream mean things without any provocation or reason. I needed to sleep, but I didn’t want to sleep all day because then I wouldn’t have slept at night, so I had to sit there and be pissed until it was 7:30, which was late enough to go to bed.
I got the backup package that morning, so I had 3 new strains to try. Since it was ‘bedtime’ and I needed to calm down, I got the Gumbo out. I loved the colors and the smell. It reminded me of the Grape Ape I grew when I lived in CA. It tastes like sour fruit candy. Oftentimes, I’ll smoke before I take a shower, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed, but this time I was ready to sleep before I took one big hit. I don’t remember going to sleep. I slept from around 8:30pm until 10am the next morning. I was back to happy friendly self.
Note: I was completely exhausted, so I can’t credit Gumbo with 12 hours of sleep, but it calmed me down enough to where I was relaxed for the first time in 4 days.
Having a high end indica is a welcomed change for me because it seems like all the boutiques keeping being sativa. The Gumbo Zkittles is a great change of pace if you’re tired of sativa. It’s a must have if you like indica.
These beautiful buds qualify as industrial hemp and comply with ALL provisions of the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill. There are 2 legal requirements that a product must meet to be legal hemp:
1 . The cannabis plant must be grown under a Federal Hemp License.
2. The finished product must have less than .3% Delta-9 THC
These flowers comply with both. Look at the attached COA and you’ll see the Delta 9 THC is less than .3%.
Here’s the cool part. The Delta 9 THCa can be over 30%. This is not chemically altered or sprayed with anything. These are legit cannabis buds that are harvested before the D9 THC gets ‘hot’ (over .3%). Delta 9 THC and Delta 9 THCa are very similar compounds. In fact, THCa is a precursor to THC. However, they are 100% different, so the Farm Bill counts this as hemp.
Better Than Nine does not ship THCA flowers to jurisdictions where they are illegal. Please know your local ordinances before ordering or we may not be able to ship to you. Contact us if you have questions.
If you are sensitive to THC please do not purchase this product, use with caution! Please respect this product and only consume this in the comfort of your own home, do not drive or operate heavy machinery. Consult a doctor prior to consuming this product.
Please check your state and local laws before purchasing high THCa hemp flower.
Buy and consume at your own risk.
Although this is legal hemp please act responsibly and treat this like a marijuana product, as it looks and smells just like marijuana. Better Than Nine is not responsible for anyone confiscating this hemp, nor arresting or fining you for having this legal hemp product in your possession because of a misunderstanding of what it actually is. KEEP YOUR PAPERWORK WITH THIS PRODUCT AT ALL TIMES. BE POLITE AND RESPECTFUL TO AUTHORITY FIGURES IF YOU MUST EXPLAIN THIS IS FEDERALLY LEGAL.