Purple Runtz THCa – Boutique Flowers


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Energetic Hybrid – A++ Quality!

Purple Runtz Cannabis Strain Info – Boutique Quality

“Boutique” flowers are our highest level of quality. This doesn’t necessarily mean the highest THCA. Our Boutique, or true exotics, have better colors, trichome development, smell, taste and overall experience. All of our flowers are good, but boutique flowers are the quality that your friends will want to take photos of. It’s like “VSOP” or “Private Reserve.” If you’ve never seen really good flowers, I’d def get a 3.5g to see what I’m talking about.

Note*- Most coupon codes won’t apply to our boutique flowers because we don’t have the margin to discount them. Tbh – These can sell for $300/oz and people will come back.

Genetics: Sativa leaning Hybrid of Gelato 33 and Zkittlez

Appearance: Nasty. These buds are so white and powdery. They are dripping with trichomes. Beneath the crystals is dark purple and green. They are knobby and lumpy from the extra growth. Finished with a clean hand trim.

Smell: OH BUDDY! If you like LOUD, get your ear plugs. Purple Runtz smells so strong. It a sharp, sweet smell that reminds me of candy scented soap. It smells clean and fresh, with some skunky undertones that linger in the air long after closing the bag.

Taste: Purple Runtz taste clean and ‘soapy’. More on that below. It tastes great.

Daniel’s 1-hit Review: I have flower suppliers in Colorado, California, Oregon, and even North Carolina, which let’s me be picky about quality and price. Our selection can be overwhelming. But, my team and I smoke every single one, so that we know what we’re selling. That’s a reason you’ll never hear me complain about work. Anyhow, my vendor in California asked me why I don’t have “REAL” exotic or boutique and I told him that I haven’t found anything that I can honestly call “Boutique” that I can also legally call “hemp.” He said, “If you don’t mind paying more, I got you. I’m going to see some growers in Humboldt tomorrow.” The next day, he sent me a pic of these Purple Runtz, to which I immediately texted, “Send it.” I haven’t seen flowers this good since I lived in California and was selling products to dispensaries.

The purple runtz showed up in a opaque black bag, so I couldn’t see them. As soon as I cut the bag open, the smell immediately lit me up. I stuck my face in the bag and took a big sniff and it made my eyes water. I think it was a combo of how strong the smell was, trichomes in my eyes, and a few tears of joy. Then, I took out a bud and looked at it with my light and it just lit up white and purple. I’ve learned that buds that are super white are going to be trouble and Purple Runtz are trouble.

I took my ‘standard’ one hit to do this review. The first thing I noticed was how it tastes like soap smells. Yall who’ve smoked a lot know what I mean when I say it tastes like soap. For those who don’t, it doesn’t taste like if you put soap in your mouth because that bitter and caustic. This tastes like soap smells, but in your mouth. I’m sure this sounds like I got hit in the head too hard, but Idk any other way to describe it. The next thing I noticed was the last time I smoked something that tasted like soap, I got WAAAY too high and got bad anxiety. This was a dumb thing to think about because I started to get scared. It’s been about 35 minutes and I’m not scared anymore, but I do hear a whistling noise while I’m sitting in dead silence. These Purple Runtz are for real. I just started laughing and I can’t stop because I feel like I should write the rest of this review in the voice of a man who left home in 1840 to chase the gold rush in California writing to his wife, so here goes.

“Dearest Erma,

37 moons have passed since I taste felt your warm embrace. My travels have presented me many a beast and man, none the likes we’ve ever seen on the farm. While suffering a bout of explosive diarrhea from drinking creek water, a native witch doctor healed me with an intoxicating herb. The riches of gold have yet to line my knickers, however, this curious botanical makes the bad days easier. I must now leave because I’m so hungry.

Forever Yours,


That’s all I got. Purple Runtz wins.


25.63% THCA

These beautiful buds qualify as industrial hemp and comply with ALL provisions of the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill. There are 2 legal requirements that a product must meet to be legal hemp:

1 . The cannabis plant must be grown under a Federal Hemp License.

2. The finished product must have less than .3% Delta-9 THC

These flowers comply with both. Look at the attached COA and you’ll see the Delta 9 THC is less than .3%.

Here’s the cool part. The Delta 9 THCa can be over 30%. This is not chemically altered or sprayed with anything. These are legit cannabis buds that are harvested before the D9 THC gets ‘hot’ (over .3%). Delta 9 THC and Delta 9 THCa are very similar compounds. In fact, THCa is a precursor to THC. However, they are 100% different, so the Farm Bill counts this as hemp.

Better Than Nine may not ship THCA flowers to jurisdictions where they are illegal. Please know your local ordinances before ordering or we may not be able to ship to you. Contact us if you have questions.


If you are sensitive to THC please do not purchase this product, use with caution! Please respect this product and only consume this in the comfort of your own home, do not drive or operate heavy machinery. Consult a doctor prior to consuming this product.

Please check your state and local laws before purchasing high THCa hemp flower.


Buy and consume at your own risk.

Although this is legal hemp please act responsibly and treat this like a marijuana product, as it looks and smells just like marijuana. Better Than Nine is not responsible for anyone confiscating this hemp, nor arresting or fining you for having this legal hemp product in your possession because of a misunderstanding of what it actually is. KEEP YOUR PAPERWORK WITH THIS PRODUCT AT ALL TIMES. BE POLITE AND RESPECTFUL TO AUTHORITY FIGURES IF YOU MUST EXPLAIN THIS IS FEDERALLY LEGAL.

Read our blog post about Legal Hemp Flowers for more info about legality and interacting with law enforcement by clicking here.

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